FAIRway Danube in a nutshell

Between July 2015 and December 2021 – for the duration of 6 years, FAIRway Danube has been significantly increasing the knowledge on shallow sections of the Danube waterway for an optimized fairway routing and drafting of rehabilitation measures.
Under the motto “Committed to the increased safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness of inland navigation”, FAIRway Danube is being carried out in a harmonized way in 6 countries: Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania under the umbrella of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) of the European Commission.

5 good reasons

A waterway management approach with a corridor vision

The Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan and the corresponding FAIRway Danube national action plans have for the first time opened previously nationally-oriented waterway management approaches to a broader corridor vision. Here the Master Plan and its associated national action plans are effective tools for the coordination of waterway management along the Danube. We no longer think dispersed but rather corridor and all waterway managers are now working towards reaching commonly agreed objectives.

A level of transparency never witnessed before

By presenting the actual status of the waterway sections in the different countries by means of selected key performance indicators, the national action plans create a high level of transparency which could not be reached until now. FAIRway Danube essentially aims at raising transparency and improving data quality. All relevant stakeholders are invited to actively contribute with feedback.

From paper to action

The EU Strategy for the Danube Region and FAIRway Danube have established an effective link between policy making and results on the ground. Our project is a best practice which illustrates the value added of the Master Plan; the concrete problem of insufficient waterway conditions both discussed and endorsed on the highest political level ended up in a large CEF-financed project. Through FAIRway Danube we contribute to solving these problems, linking political commitment to real-life concerns.

Know-how exchange

Contributing agent to know-how exchange between waterway managers

Know-how exchange is one of the main benefits that should stem from FAIRway Danube. We aim at harmonizing approaches and measures in the field of fairway rehabilitation by aligning operational concepts, equipment and data processing standards and test these approaches in real-life conditions

Waterway conditions

Making the most of available waterway conditions

Our investments in the extension of surveying and hydrological measurement infrastructure will significantly improve the quality of the data delivered for operations. Based on the latest surveying data we will exploit the potential of available waterway conditions by adapting the routing of the fairway. We, at FAIRway Danube share the same objectives as the representatives of environmental interests

Strategic framework

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