Within FAIRway Danube the following activities will be performed:
- Elaborate coordinated national action plans and define pilots
- Procure equipment for hydrological services
- Execute and evaluate pilots
- Harmonized basic data on critical locations
- Coherent monitoring of the navigation status
- Harmonized water level forecast
- Potential of fairway relocation
- Develop innovative approaches (aerial monitoring, AtoNs …)
- Prepare documentation for future implementation steps
- Manage project and disseminate results
The activities within FAIRway Danube, will in the long run contribute to the following specific objectives:
- Raise the quality of hydrological services for waterway infrastructure users
- Raise the efficiency of fairway rehabilitation and maintenance measures along the Danube waterway
- Ensure year-round navigability on the Danube waterway
- Raise the safety of Danube navigation